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Why you’ll love the plancha for the BBQ

Ephemeral trend or sustainable alternative, the plancha is more and more noticed in our kitchens… and outside! Yes: the BBQ in the garden has quite a competitor since the Plancha has a large number of advantages, which could convince you to test it during the summer season.

Why are you going to love the plancha? Surely for these 10 reasons!

10 reasons to prefer the plancha to the BBQ

  1. It multiplies your menu possibilities. Meat, vegetables, fish, shellfish, fruit: from appetizer to dessert, she can answer all your requests and those of your guests!
  2. It does not emit smoke. Food cooked on a plancha drains its fat into a removable tray without it being burned, unlike dishes prepared with a barbecue, where there is a direct contact with the flame, which causes smoke during charring. And since La Plancha does not risk charring your vegetables and grilled meats, it prevents you from coming into contact with carcinogenic compounds.
  3. It is easy to clean. The absence of smoke also makes it very easy to maintain. A suitable scraper, a wipe with a sponge, and you’re done!
  4. It heats up very quickly. Goodbye preheating! Once in operation, the plancha reaches the ideal cooking temperature to satiate you just as quickly.
  5. It also cooks very quickly. You will be pleasantly surprised by its quick cooking, which is very practical for satisfying hungry bellies, especially those of children!
  6. It preserves nutrients. Since its cooking is quick and therefore short, the loss of vitamins and minerals from your food is limited.
  7. It offers even cooking without a “smoky” taste. The heat of the griddle is evenly distributed which allows you to obtain evenly cooked food, which is not really the case with the BBQ. Another advantage: it does not change the taste of food, unlike the BBQ which can give it a smoky taste, not always to everyone’s taste!
  8. And also controlled cooking! One look is enough to see if your food is cooked as you wish. No need to lift the grill every 5 minutes to make sure your piece of meat doesn’t get burned!
  9. It promises you a healthier diet. Since cooking is done without adding fat, you can enjoy a healthy and just as tasty diet!
  10. It’s an ode to conviviality! Certainly one of the most important arguments: the plancha is synonymous with warm moments insofar as everyone can use it at their own pace and prepare several pieces to cook for everyone.

So Plancha or BBQ?

Of course, the BBQ retains its own attractions, namely its artisanal and traditional side. For many, it is an activity in itself, which is done with others, and the time it can take to complete is an integral part of the outdoor experience.

If you hesitate between these two cooking methods or if the characteristics of the plancha have convinced you, come and meet the experts at Foyez Gaz. They will be able to present the plancha to you according to your needs and desires, and they will be happy to show you their many models, whatever your final decision!


Sources :
Le Jardineur. Pourquoi préférer la plancha au barbecue ? [Why prefer the plancha to the barbecue?]. 2021.
Docteur Bonne Bouffe. 11 bonnes raisons de cuisiner à la plancha. [11 good reasons to cook on the plancha]. 2018.